Wikeepa Whānau


Jared Wikeepa

Ko Pūtauaki te Maunga
Ko Rangitaiki te Awa
Ko Mataatua te Waka
Ko Ngāti Awa te Iwi
Ko Ngāti Pūkeko te Hapu
Te Māpou Marae
Ko Jared Wikeepa tōku ingoa

I am a Māori artist born and raised in Aotearoa. I have had a passion for art and design from a young age and have since been driven to develop my skills in all things creative. This passion has lead me to a career in the gaming industry where I design and create characters in the digital world. With the help of 3D printing technology this also allows me to bring those digital creations into the physical world. With my knowledge of contemporary media and my love for traditional Māori art I have merged the two to develop a collection of contemporary Māori art pieces.


Waima Wikeepa

Ko Waima Raihi Wikeepa tōku ingoa
I whanau mai au i te rohe o Whaingaroa engari kei Pāpāmoa au inaianei.

Ko Tainui te waka.

Ko Moananui o Toi te moana,

Ko Hirakimatā te maunga tapu,

Ko Rehua rāua ko Te Rangituangāhuru ngā Rangatira,

Ko Ngāti Rehua Ngātiwai ki Aotea te hapū,

Ko Kawa te marae,

Ko te Tuatara ko te Mauri, ko Tūkaiaia ngā kaitiaki.

Kia Ora my friends and family call me Wai! I am a Māmā to 5, they are my greatest achievements, i feel blessed to be their mother. My children are my biggest drivers and motivators and feed my dreams and desires to create the best life for us possible. Connections and relationships are important to me. I love making memories and eating all the kai with my family. Being in nature and the great outdoors is where i feel closest to Atua and my ancestors, its my sanctuary and a place to feel peace.

  • Manaakitanga

    Our guiding principle to promote having positive, kind and respectful relationships between our business, customers and our wider community

  • Whanaungatanga

    At the heart of our endeavors we aspire to foster unity and connectedness, with the ultimate goal of strengthening the bonds within whanau homes. This is the essence of whanaungatanga, a fundamental concept in Maori culture.

  • Atuatanga

    With Atua as the center of our spiritual beliefs, we strive to encompass him, we highlight the importance of acknowledging and respecting the spiritual realm in our everyday life.

  • Mana

    Showing Mana is part of being Maori, encompassing the demonstration of respect, honor, integrity, and dignity in one's actions and interactions with others, while also upholding the values and traditions of one's ancestors